There were several really nice 20th Anniversary tributes last issue, especially Jed Martinez's art jam (nice work putting that one together, Jed!). Mitch: You've outdone yourself once again on the cover for #80! You rule our 3-D Furry Universe! Fred: Perhaps the lab assistant was horrified because she envisions being a vixen as pleasant. The average person probably would not enjoy getting turned into an anthropomorphic vixen (and that would include, I assume, most lab assistants -- especially male lab assistants).
It's hard to believe that I've been a member of this APA for all of its 20 years. In fact, apart from Fred, the O.E., and Honorary Member Marc Schirmeister, I believe I'm the only contributing member who has been here from the start! I see no particular reason this APA won't be around for another 20, though it is hard to say if it will still be printed on dead trees, or simply transmitted directly into our brains via a wireless psychic neural network. Only time will tell! And, speaking of which, Kitty Jo (from The Cattanooga Cats) hopes you all have a groovy time, and I'll see you again in 60 days!